SEE Global Entertainment Inc (SEE®)
SEE Global Entertainment Inc (SEE®) belongs to a family of companies representing the finest in themed entertainment specializing in global touring exhibitions including; Star Trek, King Tut, Titanic, The X-Files, Asterix, Frida Kahlo, Michael Jackson, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition®, Banksy, Museum of Failure and Disgusting Food Museum. Working with major Hollywood studios, record companies, sports franchises, and legendary individuals we have become the one source for truly artistic, engaging, and immersive entertainment for the last twenty years. From physical touring attractions to virtual worlds, the SEE® family continues to establish new ways to immerse the public into truly one-of-a-kind experiences that embody never before seen exhibitions.

Produced by SEE Attractions

Produced by SEE Global Entertainment Inc (SEE®)

Produced by SEE Global Exhibitions 2 Inc.

“One can look for the first time in depth at the magically painted faces in Michelangelo’s work. The joy of the new exhibition is to see those faces up close and intensely.”
“A wacky parade of rejected products from years gone by.”
“It’s easy to read the museum as a culturally inventive house of culinary horrors, but by diving into the world of disgust they are hoping to change the way people eat and maybe save the world.”